Palm Leaf

The 4 Phases of Formation of

Palm Leaf


Cassia Tora

The mature Cassia Tora plants are harvested to obtain the raw material for further processing.

Palm Leaf

The seeds are collected from the harvested plants and then cleaned to remove impurities such as dirt, stones, and plant debris.


Cassia Tora Seeds

Palm Leaf


Cassia Tora Splits

The cleaned seeds are dehusked to remove the outer shell and then split into two halves, known as Cassia Tora splits. These splits are roasted to enhance their flavor and aroma and to reduce anti-nutritional factors.

Palm Leaf


Cassia Tora Powder

The roasted splits are ground into a fine powder. The powder is then sieved to ensure uniform particle size and remove any coarse particles. Finally, the Cassia Tora powder is packaged in airtight containers or bags to maintain its quality and prevent contamination.