Altrafine Blog

Sesbania Gum Powder – A Valuable Component in Oil Well Drilling Muds/Fluids

   August 13, 2013    Altrafine Gums

One of the reasons sesbania gum has many applications is because it has many different valuable properties, which is the reason it is used in many areas. Indeed, it has been applied in food, textile and oil drilling industries. It forms a very viscous substance when mixed with water. Indeed, this viscous substance is 5 times more viscous than any substance formed when other gums are mixed with water. However, it cannot form a mixture with alcohol and organic solvents. Sesbania gum powder, like any other gum, is extracted from the goma sesbania seeds. It is one of the cheapest seeds to produce because it grows in alkaline soils.

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Uses of Sesbania Gum Powder as Additive for Oil Well Drilling

Sesbania gum powder as an additive for drilling wells for oil extraction can increase productivity when it makes it easy to extract oil in the specific drilling conditions. Indeed, sesbania gum powder in oil drilling process acts as a blocking agent, resistant and reducing agent and is very useful in protecting water to mix with oil during drilling. Many-a-times it can also be used as a thickener to modify the flow properties of oil drilling mud. Here, using sesbania gum powder it is easier to control the mud during drilling, so that it cannot affect drilling processes. Sesbania gum powder for drilling acts as a track filler to allow fluid cracking leading to which has been applied in increasing productivity during oil drilling.

Other Applications of Sesbania Gum Powder other than Oil Drilling

Sesbania Gum - Sesbania Gum PowderApart from oil well drilling, sesbania gum or the goma sesbania has been applied in various other industrial applications too. It is used in textile industry as a sizing agent where it can modify the dye absorption properties of yarn or fibers. It also acts as a thickener of dye, which helps textile materials maintain color during textile printing. In food industry, goma sesbania is used as an additive in baking. It helps in maintaining consistency of the dough, improving the leavening property and stabilizing the flour. In pet foods, it acts as a thickener. Goma sesbania has also been applied in water and wastewater treatment as a flocculent. In addition, it is used in incense sticks.


Sesbania gum has found wide applications in various industries. Recently, it is being used, instead of other gums such as guar gum and others in oil drilling and cracking. It can act as a blocking agent, resistant and reducing agent to prevent water from mixing with oil. Sesbania gum powder is used to modify flow properties of mud in oil drilling conditions. It has also been used to facilitate fluid cracking, which leads to increased productivity. Goma Sesbania can also be used in textile industry as a thickener of dye to facilitate dye maintenance on fabrics and yarns/material. It has also been applied as an additive and thickener in food industry, flocculant in water and waste water treatment and incense. It is also applied as a stabilizer in the food industry, for leavening, and maintaining the dough, when mixed with flour. For more information about sesbania gum powder please visit:

Ajit PatelThis Article has been written & posted by .

Written by Ajit Patel

This article has been posted by Ajit Patel.

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